That night would be the first of many trips Caleb would make into the woods with his family, but never would he ever be without his special acorn to remind him of who he was.

Several weeks later Caleb was talking with the little possum, who lived downstairs, and he was so surprised to hear that they were getting ready to go off into the woods to be on their own, and he promised them to look after their mother, Olivia.

Caleb was growing up, he was four months old, same age as the possum kids downstairs, most of whom had already left home. He began to understand what Sherlock the guardian angel raccoon meant when he said I would never be happy if I tried to be something I'm not. Caleb knew raccoons almost always live at home for about a year, and that was fine with him because he knew he wasn't ready, there was still so much he needed to learn, but he would always be grateful to Sherlock and his mama that he was a raccoon and he was proud of it.

"The End"