Wildlife Rehab Clinic
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Doing The Right Thing...

Things to consider before you take an animal in:



Animal Emergency Clinic  314-822-7600

24 hours/7 days a week. Domestic Pets or all animal emergencies. Located at 9937 Big Bend 63122, east of I-44 at Big Bend exit, next to Quik-Trip or see their website for new locations.

Specialty Rehab Facilities in our Area

Fellow Rehabbers & Societies
Humane Societies
Wildlife Removal Services (Humane Methods)
Animal Control
Department of Conservation

Specialty Rehab Facilities outside our Area


Wildlife Rehabilitation Clinic does not accept deer. Please call the Department of Conservation or your local police department.

IMPORTANT! Call first to make sure someone is there! Dropping off an animal when no one is at the Clinic to admit the new patient can be interpreted by law enforcement as "Abandoning an Animal". It can be a crime (even if we both know that's not what you intend). Don't be alarmed, just make sure we know you are coming. Thanks!